Protecting Your Family Is Attorney Cronin’s Priority

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The Law Office of D.C. Cronin provides experienced legal guidance and representation in the areas of family law, criminal defense, and appellate court. Located in Spokane, Washington and serving clients in Spokane, Adams, Grant, Stevens, Pend d’Oreille, and Whitman counties.
This website is not legal advice and is published only for the purpose of providing general background information about DC Cronin and the legal services he has provided to his clients. This website is not a solicitation. This website does not create any legal relationship between the reader and DC Cronin. The descriptions of various practice areas in this website are not intended to cover all of the issues related to the particular practice area. Contacting DC Cronin to inquire about a consultation does not develop an attorney-client relationship and is not a guarantee that DC Cronin can handle your individual case. Many factors are involved in hiring an attorney including, the time frame involved, whether the attorney has previously represented another party with interests adverse to the caller, the time commitment involved, and the facts and legal issues specific to each potential case.